Friday, June 15, 2007

JS Bach - Brandenburg Concerto #3

Disclaimer: I, by no means, know anything about Classical Music.

When I was in High School, I had an excellent History teacher who turned me on to Tchaikovsky's Overture of 1812. After that I thought it would be cool to learn about Classical Music. Luckily for me, I was dating Lisa at the time because I don't think the chicks dig that kind of cool. I am sure she has some funny memories about this time. When I was in college and working at Osco Drug, I picked up several cds on the cheap of various composers. I bought two cds of Bach, a couple of Mozart and Beethoven, etc. This song became one of my favorites out of these cds and I think it is indeed cool.

I appreciate Schaeffer's focus on the arts. There is a Schaeffer quote that goes something like this: "If there had been no Reformation, there would have been no Bach." The Reformation produced beauty in various areas of life (government, the arts, etc). In contrast, our culture is entertained by that which is not beautiful and is often down right ugly. It is almost as if we have lost our ability to perceive beauty. We can look forward to a time as Christians when our ability to perceive beauty is perfectly restored in the light of His countenance which is Beauty.

1 comment:

Hanson Crew said...

Nice new look Nate. I think girls dig that music or at least I did in college!