Friday, August 15, 2008

Eli's Special Talent

Eli is notorious for falling asleep while eating. Here's a couple from May 2006.

We have video of him actually eating while in that wonderful stage of almost sleep but tonight's picture may take the taco, so to speak.


A said...

okay so that is the most precious thing ever! josie hasn't done that since she was a year old but it was SO cute! what a precious boy he is!

John Hanson said...

oh, how funny! My kids did that when they were babies, but never 3! How silly Eli!

Jennie Caudle said...

How cute! I wish it was that easy for Chancellor to fall asleep. He is such a cute boy!
God Bless

Shelly Campbell said...

That is hilarious. We have a picture of Jeremy asleep on his wooden rocking horse, it is pretty cute. I love the face in the plate! Eli's special talent, he will never live that down.