Eli loves anything LEGOS. This set is a Christmas present from Gammie.

Valentine's Day morning.

We went to the lake last weekend to get a little sun.

While eating snow, Eli lost his first tooth. It surprised everyone because we didn't even know it was loose. A couple of days later he lost the adjacent tooth. Now he can quite easily drink his juice through a straw without opening his mouth.

Our little Paduan.

LEGOS are amazing. Ditto Lincoln Logs and Tinker Toys. They give kids the freedom to imagine creating something, and the means to do so.
Amen. These full blown sets are still difficult for him (the pieces are sometimes difficult to handle and he isn't reading yet) but it gives us something to do together. We have some bigger block type LEGOS and I have been really proud of the things he has been creating. He made a biplane the other day that looked really good.
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